

It is imperative that a working WRF-SFIRE installation is available. Please first follow the installation instructions Installation.

First fire forecast

The simplest way to start is to invoke the standalone script


The script will ask you a series of questions with sensible defaults and at the end will create a JSON configuration file and finish with instructions on how to run the simulation.

Example fire forecast

To perform a fire forecast, the script forecast.sh has to be executed with a JSON configuration file as an argument, for example:

./forecast.sh <json-configuration-file>

An example configuration script is examples/simple_fire.json, also listed here for convenience. The script has most of the values filled out but there are some placeholders.

Please set the following values:

  • geogrid_path should point to the directory with your WPS-GEOG data
  • num_nodes are the number of nodes to use for the parallel job
  • ppn the number of processors per node to use
  • wall_time_hrs number of hours of wall time to reserve for the job
  • qsys the queueing subsystem id which point into etc/clusters.json
  "grid_code": "test",
  "grib_source": "NAM",
  "wps_namelist_path": "etc/nlists/default.wps",
  "wrf_namelist_path": "etc/nlists/default.input",
  "fire_namelist_path": "etc/nlists/default.fire",
  "emissions_namelist_path": "etc/nlists/default.fire_emissions",
  "geogrid_path": "/path/to/your/WPS-GEOG",
  "num_nodes": 10,
  "ppn": 12,
  "wall_time_hrs": 3,
  "qsys": "sge",
  "start_utc": "T-30",
  "end_utc": "T+300",
  "domains" : {
    "1" : {
      "cell_size" : [1000, 1000],
      "domain_size" : [91, 91],
      "center_latlon" : [39.1, -105.9],
      "truelats" : [38.5, 39.6],
      "stand_lon" : -105.9,
      "time_step" : 5,
      "history_interval" : 15,
      "geog_res" : "0.3s",
      "subgrid_ratio" : [50, 50]
  "ignitions" : {
     "1" : [ {
      "start_delay_s" : 600,
      "duration_s" : 240,
      "lat" : 39.894264,
      "long" : -103.903222
     } ]
 "postproc" : {

This example configuration runs a fire simulation with the following settings:

  • a single domain configuration with a domain placed approximately around an ignition point
  • use NAM as the source for initial and boundary conditions
  • start at time now minus 30 mins and run a 5 hour simulation
  • use 10 nodes, 12 CPU cores per node, allow a wall time of 3 hrs, the queue manager is SGE (Sun Grid Engine)
  • use the default WPS/WRF/fire/emissions namelists as base
  • ignite the fire 600s after the start of the simulation and deactivate the ignition after 4 minutes.
  • generate surface temperature maps, wind information and fire fields for domain 1, the where the fire is burning


To learn how to configure jobs in more detail, refer to Forecasting.